What happened in Sodom and Gomorrah?

Many have heard the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah and do not understand what really happened.  If you read Genesis 18, you see God tells Abraham he will destroy the city as it is full of wickedness.  Abraham pleads for the city if a righteous man can be found there, but none are found.  Not even Abraham’s nephew Lot, who lived there was righteous.  Righteousness is more than just being good to others, having high ethics,  or following religious law.

"And be not conformed to this world: 
but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, 
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." - Romans 12:2

What signs of wickedness do you see in the cities after God sent in his two agents (angels) there?  Although there may have been law breaking versions of cheating, murder, riots, theft, and etcetera –in Genesis 19, the scriptures mainly points at sexual immorality as their sin.  Sexual deviance ran rampant, rape was normal in the streets, and the lust for more led the people to do all the bad things that angered God.  Then that angry God took action to remove the cities from the face of the earth.  The only people spared were Lot and three females in his family, of which his wife was lost because she longingly looked back at (or possibly lusted after the life she was leaving behind) the city they were told to leave. 

"Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause 
to decline after many to wrest judgment:" - Exodus 23:2 (KJV)

What did the “free love” movement decades ago bring?  More fleshy lust in the forms of: adultery (sex outside of marriage), fornication (sex instead of marriage), pornography, prostitution, and other MSP issues – which resulted in increased abortions, struggling single-parents, less companionship, confused children/teens, various forms of birth control with long-term use health risks, and of course sexually transmitted diseases.  TV and Movie industry helped to spread the concept that sex outside of marriage is normal and preferred behavior rather than sinful.  Since some of those forms of open lust became accepted behaviors in society, the past few years other forms of sexual perversion, depravity, and deviance are now vying for acceptance too.   If you do not know what those words mean, reference a dictionary.  If you want examples: then read the newspaper, review current legislation ideas, watch popular TV shows. or consult 1 Corinthians in your Bible.

“I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless
when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” - Luke 18:8 (KJV)

Does this make you wonder what God may be thinking about the so-called sexual revolution in current homes, communities, cities, counties, states, and countries?  How close to Sodom and Gomorrah is modern society going to get?  Where do you draw the line?  God is watching.  There is a great need for prayer, turning back to God, and to embrace his vision of love - not mankind’s ideas.  Man makes mistakes, but God can forgive where he finds righteousness is attempted.  Think before you act, consider your emotions.  Act like the humans God made you to be, rather than follow base animalistic and lustful behaviors.

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