Daily Devotionals

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This page will contain links for daily devotional readings for each month.  Each month has a scripture a day to grow on.  Praying blessings will result for you from reading the Bible.

Each month will also have a theme for the verses you are to read.  Instead of writing the scripture here, the Bible reference will be given as a link to a site where you may choose your favorite Bible version to read it from on-line or in print.  Feel free to bookmark/favorite this page to make it easier to find for your future reference.  

Monthly/Topic Selections for Daily Devotionals

January = God Blesses You
February = God Loves You
March = Jesus Died for You
April = Christ Rose for You
May = You Are a Child of God
June = God Your Father   https://tinyurl.com/3sfh3ytv
July = God Hears Your Prayer  https://tinyurl.com/2bvn35fx
August = You Love God  https://tinyurl.com/4zpkwavv
September = You Listen to God  https://tinyurl.com/5eyh4kjs 
October = You Care for Others
November = Thank and Praise God
December = Christ Came for You

If you are wondering whether or not you should do a daily devotional, you may want to read post Understanding Why You Need Devotional Time.  If you want tips on how to plan/do a devotional, see post Planning Devotional Time.  

Feel free to share links to this devotional page or any of the short links for monthly posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites (quick access social icons are at end of each post).  Thanks for your support.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this beautiful reminder as we approach the Easter season. Your posts have allowed me to reflect on what this season is all about.


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