Planning Devotional Time

Do you remember your writing lessons from school?  You were probably taught that your composition must answer the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why).  And in some cases you also had to provide a How too.  At work, you are told to consider the same things when planning a business  meeting.  So here we will look at these same questions for planning your devotional time (your meeting with God).

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." 
Psalms 119:11 (KJV)

Why?  Previously discussed in why you need to have devotional time
When?  It is best to try for the same time each day by deciding what works for you.  Then set your appointment with God for the time you need.  You may want to start with 15 minutes and then work up to a longer time, as you feel the need or desire.  If you think of this time with God as an appointment, you will be more likely to keep it and make it a daily habit.
  • Do you need to start your day in fellowship with God to get it off on the right foot? 
  • Does mid-day work better for you so you can have a no-stress lunch with God to give him your undivided attention? 
  • Do you want to wind down the day by learning about and communing with God?
Where?  Choose a place where you will be uninterrupted and comfortable. 
  • If are doing it at home, do you have a nice chair with a good reading light and side table?  Or would you rather use the kitchen table?
  • If you plan to do it at work, is there a park outside your office building that would work or a seldom visited area inside the building?  What about the break room - might there be too many distractions there with people going in and out? 
What?  You have set the time and place for your meetings with God.  Now you need to decide on the agenda and materials for your meeting time.  Knowing how you will proceed each time and having a focused topic will help you to get more from your devotional time.
Who? You and God are the only people who need to be present for your devotional meeting time.  However, some couples choose to share in a short devotional study together so they may mature as one.  Your personal time with God is a necessary part of your day.  If you want a more intense study of God’s word, join a Bible study group, but do not let it replace your personal appointment with God.  God will be there for the appointment with you each day and He is always on time!  However, since God eagerly awaits His time with you, He will not get angry if for some reason you have to postpone a meeting just as long as you get together with Him as soon as possible before he day ends.  The appointment is more for your dedication and convenience than His.

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