Why Should Christians Attend Church?

What are the pros and cons of not physically attending church services?  With virtual church becoming a norm in society today, is it causing complications for individual Christian living, for the community the church supports, or is it more of a building-use issue?  Are Christians neglecting to attend and support churches on Sunday, as well as other days of the week?  Do they need to?  If spiritual growth and awakening is what Christians want or need, should they get together in a building to worship and learn?  With the technologies that exist today, is church attendance really necessary? 

"Until I come,devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture,
to preaching and to teaching." - 1 Timothy 4:13 (NIV)

Society started moving to churches without walls during the late 20th century "Jesus movement."  That was not the first movement of Jesus Christ to question how to be a child of God and it will not be the last.  Jesus started His church with a wandering group of disciples, who later become itinerant evangelists and apostles.  Although the apostles moved a lot, they did work hard at  planting church groups.  Why? So Christ's followers (Christians) could increase their faith, worship, and grow spiritually together under the guidance and leadership of a selected responsible and mature believer who would teach God's word and demonstrate His love in a way they could easily understand.  

Excellent posts to read more on this include:

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