Modern Technology and God

computer,phone,appAs a Christian, you know you are not supposed to worship idols; you are only supposed to worship God.  So you do not bow down to statues made of stone or wood.  But are there other false idols you maybe worshiping without realizing it?  As an example or idolization without awareness, let us take a look at technology.

Smart mobile phones are so much a part of modern life that they are taken for granted or thought extremely necessary.  How many hours do you spend on your phone each day?  How many minutes an hours are you talking to someone nearby, texting instead of talking, or updating social media?  Do you spend hours playing games or watching videos on your small screen?  Must you look up every new term you hear, check for the latest gossip, or find the fastest route via your phone's handy apps or internet connection?  Are you one of those individuals who look at your phone more than the faces of people?  Are you idolizing your phone?  Do you spend as much time with God, reading your Bible God, or sharing your faith as you do on your phone?  If you answer the last question NO, then perhaps you are treating you phone as a modern idol.

"Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods: 
I am the LORD your God." - Leviticus 19:4 (KJV)

Wait, using a Bible app on your phone during church should count as God points verses idol points, right?  What about getting daily devotionals and scriptures to your phone via email or text?  Maybe.  It depends, are you following the sermon notes or doing your own thing?  Are you attempting to memorize any of those daily scriptures?  Are you searching for help to answer a fellow Christian's question or for your own edification?  Is any of it helping to grow your relationship with God? Again, check your purpose and time spent.  Is the time on the phone for God and does that study time outweigh the the "entertainment" time?  If no, then most likely the phone is your priority, not God.

Speaking of points, does other "entertainment" technology take more of you time than attending Church, studying your Bible, praying and building a relationship with God?  Entertainment technologies may include i-pod, i-pad, computer, gaming consoles, handheld games, IVA/IPA (voice-controlled intelligent personal or virtual assistant", social networks, television, and etc.   How many hours do you spend on entertainment devices each day? Are your always aiming to get more points, badges, and follows than spending time with God?  Has your entertaining device  become an idol for you?   

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me... Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, 
nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God," - Exodus 20:3&5 (KJV)

Wait just a minute!  You use YouVersion, BibleGateway, and other Bible-based search sites and Christian blogs on your computer or i-pad.  You order religious books, t-shirts, and more from Amazon and assorted Christian outlets.  You watch Christian sermons, panels, and music programs on your TV and listen to them on your ipod.  You ask Alexa or Echo to look-up scripture verses.  You post Bible scriptures, religious memes, and Christian videos on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, plus other social media sites.  Should not those count as God points instead of idol points too?  Maybe.  Again, it should depend on how often you use them in your study of God's Word, building a relationship with God, and sharing your faith with others.  Therefore, check your purpose and your time spent being entertained verses personal edification.   If the device is used more for entertainment time than edification, then most likely the devices are your priority over God.

Plug into God first!  God wants you to put him first in your life.  Your spouse, family, and church come after God.  A relationship with God should be foremost and fellowship with others next.  Fun and other things may come after that, as long as those things do not interfere with you growing in God's will.

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