Know the Truth!

Savior Jesus Christ

The devil wants to hide the TRUTH of salvation through Jesus.  One way he does this is to lie about what churches stand for and cause people to be terrorized by the message or create terror against the message.  People following the hatred of the devil instead should look to Jesus so they may find his love and change their LIFE.

Jesus answered,"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6 (NIV) 

Proof of the devil's deception was in the news this week when church buildings were desecrated before their Sunday morning services.   The news story of "LIE" on churches was carried on many Texas channels that weekend, including CBS and ABC/WFAA with follow-ups by CBN and newspapers.  As they washed away the vandalism on their buildings, many pastors hope the vandal would not only be caught by police (because he broke the law - destruction of property), but be caught by Jesus too (because all need salvation).

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