Safe Forever in Jesus Hands

Jesus loves you, no matter who you are or where you are. Although God sees your sin, He does not see color or ethnicity.  He loves and protects all His followers.   Follow Jesus Christ and his teachings and he will be with you through anything and everything.  You will feel spiritually safe with Jesus in your life no matter what is happening in the natural world.  Jesus told us we are important to hun and he will keep us safe  (see scripture below) forever.

How do you become a follower of Christ?  Admit your sins and ask for forgiveness of your sins, invite Jesus to come into your heart and guide your life.  He will forgive you. love you, and become part of your life.  It is then up to you to learn what God wants you to do.  You do this by praying and studying God;s word for inspiration and guidance.

"My sheep hear my voice. 
I know them,  and they follow me. 
I give them eternal life, they’ll never be lost, 
and no one will snatch them out of my hand.  
What my Father has given me is more important than anything, 
and no one can snatch it from the Father’s hand. 
I and the Father are one.” - John 10:27-30 (ISV)

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