Wisdom of a Rght Heart for Making Decisions

Hopefully, this post will not offend anyone and that every reader has the patience to read it through  before leaving this blog.  The biggest decision in the United States is which way to vote, based on what is current policy and past performance, not who is the personality or party.  Did you know 40 million Christians do not vote in Presidential elections?  Shouldn't Christians vote for national, state, and local leaders who most exemplify the faith, values, and morals of Christians?  How can Christinas do that?  Check the actual policy on the canidates website and what they say when speaking to decide how it aligns with your belfiefs.  Do not rely on celebraties, the news media, or others to tell you the truth about a candidates or party position - do your own research.  Compare what you learn about policy to Biblical truths to help you make the righteous decisions, judge properly, and then caste your vote well,

The heart of the wise inclines to the right, 
but the heart of the fool to the left. - Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV) 

The Bible equates RIGHT as correct wisdom, which comes from reading and following God's Word.  The Bible also points to the LEFT path as wrong, foolish, or sinful.  So why do politicians, protestors, and press  representatives refer to the opposing party as far-right or far-left?  By God's standard, aren't they implying the right/conserative-side are even a smarter choice than themselves?  Or is the other side saying the  left-leaning/liberal party are more sinful?  Check for yourself to find policy explanations for future planning to see where their mind is and review the political party's past to see actual actions to know their  true heart. Do they follow the Ten Commandmants for the betterment of America or do they fight dirty, ignore citizen rights, and break laws for the devil's delight? There is no true CENTER/moderate in politics! Therefore,  Christians must vote with God as their center and for what is most like the core of His righteousness!

The world will try to make Christian believers doubt what is good verses evil, even to the point of changing the basic understanding and traditional meanings of words in the English language.  In addition to the words left and right being directional or referencing hand use, dictionaries define them other ways too.  Right also means: conforming to justice, law, or morality - in accordane with fact, reason, or proof - fitting, proper, or appropriate - straight, genuine, or real. The other definitions for left is "past tense of leave" or reference to political leaning. So instead, check out the definition for politically liberal, which shows bad and good examples.    

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked 
or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, 
and who meditates on his law day and night. 
Psalm 1:1-2 (NIV) 

For a nation to  prosper and for its' people to experience success, the spiritual community must respect and follow God's Word.  Please vote your faith based on what you believe God wants you to do from what you have learned in His Word, the Holy Bible. To have a blessed nation, Christians must lead the way to victory in elections as well as be a part of leadership.  Imagine the difference Christians can make in the USA if you #RegisterToVote and #VoteYourFaith!  Please encourgae others to do the same.  This is the time for Christians to stand up, be counted, and get heard by government once again.

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