Better Leadership for a Brighter Future

We have been living under a cloud of evil for so long, can we hope to see a better future with new leadership?  Can we joyfolly look forward to truth, liberty, and prosperity again?  When we pray, are we assured God is listening and will help us to move forward? The answers are YES, because our God wants to bless His people and give them a bright future.

When the righteous triumph, there is great elation; 
but when the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding. 
Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, 
but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. - Proverbs 28:12-13 (NIV) 

Will the former corrupt leaders and their partners-in-crime confess their evil deeds, ask for God's forgiveness, and plead for mercy from the people they have lied to and cheated for so long?  Will the citizens continue to fight for truth and justice or will evil be allowed to hide or abide until they can force their wicked ways again?  The answer depends on how we pray, the important actions we and our trustworty leaders must take as we put faith in God to guide us back to His plan for us

Evildoers are snared by their own sin, 
but the righteous shout for joy and are glad. 
The righteous care about justice for the poor, 
but the wicked have no such concern. - Proverbs 29:6-7 (NIV)

Nations Should Be Praising God

 Not just America, but many nations are praising God.  Renewal and rivival is moving across the country and the world.  Common sense and truth are once again reiginig in the craziness and evil that has consumed politics for the last few decades.  Just as King David once told his music director, we should all be singing praises to God for his mercy and blessing. 

May God show loving-kindness toward us and bring good to us. 
May He make His face shine upon us.
May Your way be known on the earth, and Your saving power among all nations.
May the people praise You, O God. May all the people praise You.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy.
For You will be fair when You judge the people and rule the nations of the earth. 
May the people praise You, O God. May all the people praise You.
The earth has given its fruit. God, our God, will bring good to us.
God will bring good to us, and all the ends of the earth will fear Him.
- Psalm 67: 1-7 (NLV)

Christian Christmas Music Celebrates a Baby Boy Who Saves Us All

The "Mary Did You Know" song written and performed by Mark Lowry any nany others has become a popular anthem for nativity performances during many Christmas programs.  It has quickly challenged the popularity of Christmas carols like "Away in A Manger" and traditional hymns such as "O Come Let Us Adore Him," Give it a listen, it may seem slow and sad - but the real message is hope and joy  (similar to the now Easter favorite "Listen to the Hamer Ring").  

And she will have a son, and you are to name h im Jesus, 
for He will save His people from their sins. - Matthew 1:21 (NLT) 

When the Devil Comes to Steal Your Blessing and Testimony

Have you noticed that when things are going good, the devil comes along and tries to steal your blessing? Some may say it is just self-doubt, but I truly believe it is the devil just wispering lies into our minds.  He wants to steal your blessing, your joy, your courage, and your faith.  Do not let him get a way with it!  Claim the promise that God gave you and thow it back at the devil.  God promises he will flee when confronted.  

But He gives greater grace. Therefore it says, 
“God opposes the proud, but He gives grace to the humble.” 
So submit to God. 
But resist the devil and he will flee from you.
- James 4:6-7 (NET)

Last week, I was blessed with a healing.  This week several times when I was out on my daily walk, I might feel a weakness, tiredness, or small twitch in my shoulder.  Immediately the devil would try to tell me the pain was going to come back and I was not really healed.  So I shut him up quickly by saying "Yes, Jesus healed my shoulder completely.  I feel no pain.  I know He healed me and so do you. So shut up and move along, you are wrong.  I am healed and I know it."  Maybe it does not sound humble, but I would instantly feel better and the nudging to deny my healing would be gone.  We have to keep our faith by claiming the truth.  The devil does not like truth and he will run the other way to avoid it.  

Lift Your Arms - A Healing Testimony of Praise

I am a healthy person, especially good for my age.  Most of you readers do not know this, I have been dealing with right shoulder pain since mid-April.  I am one of those people who often thinks their aches and pains are stressed or pulled muscle and it will go away in a week or so with ice or a heating pad.  Well, this time it did not, instead the pain got worse and the area around my back shoulder blade was noticeably mree swollen than the other side.  After a few more days of ice instead of heat and ibuprofen making no difference in pain and very little with swelling, I called to get into the doctor.  His next open appointment was over two weeks away but they would let me switch that with my spouse, who was scheduled for the next day and he could come on the later date. This was a small blessing.  The doctor recommended more frequent ice sessions, a short regimen of theraphy, and larger doses of ibuprofen to see if it fixed the problem since I still had good range of motion.  I was praying and expecting a quick healing, instead the pain only seemed to get worse!  However the swelling did finally go down.

O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me. - Psalm 30:2 (ESV)

Since therapy did not work, I was sent for an MRI in May, which showed two muscles tears above the shoulder blade and inflammation in the shoulder joint.  I was referred to the Orthopedist that did my shoulder surgery several years before.  It would be almost two months before I could an appointment with the specialist! I made the appointment and asked to be put on a wait-list in case of a cancellation. By now, my spouse had to drive me everywhere because I could barely lift my arm.  I was wondering why God was not giving me a quick solution, which I was continually praying for.  A few days later, the Orthopedist receptionist called me to see if I was willing to go out-of-town for an appointment in mid-June. Another small blessing that we willingly took!  The Orthopdic surgeon said the old surgery still looked good so he gave me shots in the shoulder to relieve that, plus scheduled therapy to start the following week, and a perscription for a few pain pills.  The shots made me dizzy and nauseous.   So after being returned to in a seat in the waiting area and drinking half a can of soda, I was ok enough to walk to car with my son and spouse helping.  I took a nap after each therapy session once I finished an icing session because the pain pills made me sleepy.  Over the next few weeks, the pain got somewhat better and after about two months I could finally drive myself again.  I kept praying to be strong and healthy again.  Thank the Lord, I had the support I needed during this time [unlike poor Job with his friends and family].

Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, 
for you are my praise. - Jeremiah 17:14 (ESV)

However, there was still occasional bad pain.  When I went for my yearly physical at the beginning of this month, my doctor asked about the shoulder.  I said it was better, although I still had pain off and on, as well as  limitations in what I could lift.  Since it was no longer excruciating and keeping me from doing most things, I said it was something I could just live with [like Paul's thorn in the flesh].  

And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.” - Luke 8:48 (ESV)

About seven months after all this started on Sunday (November 10, 2024) at church, we had a movement of God for healing and help with other needs.  While we were praying for people, I got an impression that I should lift my arm as high as I could.  So I relied on God, lifted my right arm to a typically comfortable level, and continued to pray in the spirit as God led me.  As I prayed I could sense my arm going higher.  By the time we finished praying and praising God, I had no pain!  Praise Jesus!  It may seem like a small thing to some, but to me it was a miracle!  I felt like the woman who touched the hem of Jesus garment.  I feel it is a testimony that although we may go through things and not understand why, with God all things are possible and everything that happens has a purpose.  We may not understand the why yet, but someday we will.

When Honestly Judging Others Is Required

One of the most overused and misused King James scripture is Matthew 7:1  "Judge not, that ye be not judged." It is often used by sinners to make Christians feel guilty for saying something about the wrongness of what they may be doing.  (Even though those same sins are listed by God plainly in the Bible, it may be more prudent to pray for them, point them to salvation through Jesus, and to reading scripture rather than  trying to change them with self-righteous, angry, or condescending words.) This is not what Jesus meant.  He was saying we should not hold others to account for something we ourselves would not be willing to be accountable for.  Another way to say it is to apply the golden rule towards everyone first before calling out any preconceptions about right verses wrong.  

To reject the law is to praise the wicked; to obey the law is to fight them. 
Evil people don’t understand justice, but those who follow the Lord 
understand completely. - Proverbs 28:4-5 (NLT)

There are times when judgement must occur, especially if people have been elected to or appointed to be a judge of the law.  Judges have a grave responsibility to the law and to the people who come before them, both the innocent and the guilty. 

Here are some further sayings of the wise: 
It is wrong to show favoritism when passing judgment. 
A judge who says to the wicked, “You are innocent,” 
will be cursed by many people and denounced by the nations. 
But it will go well for those who convict the guilty; 
rich blessings will be showered on them.- Proverbs 24:23-25 (NLT)

With that judgement responsibility comes accountability to "We the People," the nation's law, and to God. In this world, we will see wise judges and corrupted ones.  Corrupt judges who lie, who take bribes, or provide false information to juries will eventually be punished by either the government  whose laws they broke or by God when eternal judgement comes.  There is no hiding their corruption.  Alterternately, their excellence and commitment to the truth will also be seen, accepted, and rewarded.

Selecting the Right Leaders

We need to pray for our leaders.  Leaders in church, in the community, in the states, in the nation, and everywhere in between.  It is much easier to install a good leader than it is to remove a bad one.  Sometimes a person may look good on paper but they are not really that person.  It is important to know their history and how they reacted or voted in the past to understand how they may act in the future.  It also makes sense to check who or where they get their backing from to understand biases and obstacles to achieving necessary goals and working towards God's plan.

The sins of some are obvious, reaching the place of judgment ahead of them; 
the sins of others trail behind them. In the same way, good deeds are obvious, 
and even those that are not obvious cannot remain hidden forever.
- 1 Timothy 5:24-25 (NIV) 

It is not always easy to see what needs to be known about someone or to ignore any faslehoods that may be presented by others.  This interference in decision making may come from the person being considered for leadership or the people trying to prevent the right person being a chosen leader through propaganda and lies.  Leaders need strength, problem-solving skills, righteousness, and compassion when justified.  Jealousy and humility are opposites, but there is no way to know which is taking control of a person or a group that must make the right decisions.  That is why it is so important to review everything and pray for the best person to lead.  


Interesting post-election article on government: Trump’s Win Suggests We’re Nineveh, Not Sodom