Selecting Study Bibles and Translations

Bible translations
When looking for a Bible translation or study Bible to begin personal or group Bible study or to give to another as a gift, you want to look for an excellent translation that attempts to give you the true word of God.  You want one that translates what was originally written in Hebrew and Greek into current words and languages that can be understood.  Otherwise you or the person you are giving the Bible to may be mislead by incorrect interpretations or purposeful attempts to leave something out of change the meaning to match what currently may be socially acceptable but is not God's will.  If you want to gift a Bible to someone who primarily speaks a language, other than English many translations are available in multiple languages, so do the research on the translation, then find the language desired.  To find out more about choosing a Bible, check out Finding the Best Bible Version.

Standard or literal translations are significant attempts to translate word-for-word from the original text.  Interpretations are dynamic or free thought translations that review entire phrases to determine what they mean to the person or group composing the new translation, then the text is paraphrased into modern wording.  Also there are application Bibles, which are translations designed for a targeted audience, such as men, women, teens, children, or another particular group.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, 
for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, 
thoroughly furnished unto all good works." - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (KJV)

Most study Bibles will have at least: a concordance, a dictionary, maps, or side-by-side translations to help you better understand what you read and learn more.  For more details on selecting study Bibles, visit Guide To Choosing Best Study Bible.

Hopefully the above is helpful in selecting a Bible for yourself or as a gift.  The important thing here is to find a Bible that you are comfortable with reading and sharing.  The purpose of the Bible is to get Gods word into your life and the lives of others.  Do not get so caught up in the selection process that the blessings of knowing God get lost.  For tips on shopping for a Bible, see Questions to Ask When Shopping for Your Next Bible.

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