Invitation Postscript: New Goal, New People, New Future

The upward trend of inflation and downward trend of the economy physically affects people individually and as family.  It also affects everyone emotionally and spiritually too!  They are drained of joy and hope.  We cannot do much about about the economy, except look for better jobs and pray for the right one.  However, we can provide a path back to joy and hope through friendliness and fellowship.  How?  Invite them to church and let them know you are praying for them when they share their troubles with you. Most people say they do not attend church because no one has invited them  or made them feel welcome when they did attend.  Remind people  that you care and that God still loves them. 

"Be careful for yourselves and for all the people God has given you. 
The Holy Spirit gave you the work of caring for this flock.
You must be shepherds to the church of God,
the people he bought with his own blood."
- Acts 20:26 (ERV)

The shutdown not only affected businesses and families, it affected churches too.  Just as companies still had to pay their bills and employees; churches still needed to provide for their staff , run ministries to the needy, and help those in their congregation who were suffering.  Just like families had to pay rent/mortgages and utilities during the shutdown, churches had to as well.  If no one came, then few paid tithes or gave offerings since no plate was passed.  Some churches did not make it through the forced shutdowns - and that made the devil laugh.  Some churches are still barely hanging on since many found staying home so easy - that too makes satan smile.  The evil one thinks he has won!  Make it clear he has not! GOD WINS! The faithful will continue to grow! Attend church and bring your family.  Fill the churches again!  Invite people to church!

"We must not quit meeting together, as some are doing.
No, we need to keep on encouraging each other.
This becomes more and more important as you see the day getting closer. "
-  Hebrews 10:25 (ERV)

Commit to this as a New Year's goal that you keep doing throughout the year(s).  Some reading this post will feel comfortable asking a few people to church, as their faith is strong.  Others may feel uncomfortable doing so.  You may worry about the current anti-Christian environment or offending someone.  Instead of fear, look at this as a way to grow your faith! Whether you are comfortable talking with people about your faith or not, you can start with a baby step using social media.  Try adding this simple note to the bottom of your posts "PS #YouAreInvitedToChurch ..." Change the "..." to a hyperlink to your church website or Facebook page.  Most people are interested to find out what someone felt was important enough to add as a postscript to their message.  They will read this and potentially respond accordingly.  Go viral, let's get #YouAreInvitedToChurch trending! 

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