Servant or Leader, Which is Most Important?

Remember when Servant Leadership (new version on Amazon) was all the rage about two decades ago?  The idea was that to motivate others, you must treat them well and fairly.  You must be an example of a leader that they would want to follow.  This leadership/management teaching followed all the quality and/or team programs that were popularized for organizations a few decades prior to entering the millennium.  Was that the first time servant leadership was taught?  Is it still relevant today?  

"Jesus said to them, 
The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; 
and those who exercise authority over them call themselves benefactors. 
But you are not to be like that. Instead, 
the greatest among you should be like the youngest, 
and the one who rules like the one who serves."
- Luke 22:25-26 (NIV)

First, is it relevant?  Seems to have gone by the wayside as rich "Big business" guys are more about making even more money by cutting costs or marketing hype instead of through excellent products,  good customer service, or having a qualified and informed workforce. Now forgotten as too-long-in-office politicians concentrate on party politics, increasing their own fortunes, and lobbyist favors rather than doing what their constituents desire.  Some of these "rich guys" are going into other markets not to help people but in a desire to rule over them, money was not enough now they want power too.  Even in the church, a few leaders seem more interested in how big their auditorium is and speaking on popular topics rather than teaching and preaching the true word of God to their flock.  Sounds like the current answer is that servant leadership is no longer relevant. However, it needs to be even more relevant in the world today!  So the answer should be YES.  We need to understand we should look to God for how to live, not to people.

"Not so with you. Instead, 
whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 
and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. 
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, 
and to give his life as a ransom for many."
- Mark 10:43-45 (NIV) 

Was the publication of the book the first time the concept of servant leadership appeared?  The correct answer is NO.  Jesus taught the concept of servant leadership.  He instructed community and church leaders to put others first.  When asked which of God's commandments were the most important. Jesus replied love God first, then the second most important thing is to love others.  Jesus never taught personal power or wealth as important!  God will give you blessings, but that does not mean you can put yourself above others.  Instead, you are to help others and be a blessing to them - just as Jesus was/is. 

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