Catching Blessings

A few months before our pastor retired, he would have us reach out our hands and he would pray a blessing over us.  Once I opened my eyes to see if others were holding their hands the same way I was.  Some had their arms slightly raised with the palms either facing up or toward the pulpit, almost as if they were waiting to catch a fast ball in their hands.  Many had their arms near or slightly above the waist-line with their palms up.  Some had their fingers spread as if waiting for something big to fall into them.  Others had their fingers tightly together as if trying to prevent the blessing from slipping through their fingers.  It was interesting that everyone was anticipating their blessings in different ways. Did you ever think about that - being ready to receive your gifts from God? 

"Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father,
who created all the lights in the heavens.  He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.
He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. 
And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession." - James 1:17-18 (NLT)

After our pastors retirement, a visiting preacher wanted to pray a blessing for us individually and as a church. He showed us how he wanted us to turn our palms upward and hold our hands out from the side of our bodies in a posture ready to receive the gifts God had for us.  This posture made me think of a small child playing ball with a parent.  The child opens their arms outward, turns his hands up, and usually spreads their fingers out too.  They make their catching area as big as they possibly can to increase their chances of catching the ball.  Then once they get the ball, they pull it tightly to their chest.  Then in their excitement of receiving the ball they either giddily giggle or smile really big.  The child knows the joy of expecting the ball and they are cofidnet in their heart that their parent is willing to keep tossing it to them. 

"But blessed are those who trust in the Lord 
and have made the Lord their hope and confidence." - Jeremiah 17:7 (NLT)

Are you genuinely expecting your blessings from God?  Like a child, is your heart and you arms wide open and ready to catch them?  You should understand God is there for you anytime and will continue to give you His very best gifts.  Knowing that could make you burst out laughing or at least smile happily at this not-so-secret truth.  If you do not feel blessed and joyful, maybe you are looking at the wrong things in life rather than the good and perfect-for-you gifts God has already provided or wants to give.

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