Repent Now, Stop One World Order, and Gain Freedom

When reading Psalm 2, I was struck by how much it is like today, not just in "olden times" of King David but in all times current and future.  Too often men think of themselves as not only above others but above God.  They say there is no God, so they can do as they want.  They believe they can rebuke God, be unjust toward their fellow mankind, and can steal from other citizens and nations.  They have no problem with entrapping those that will not fall in line with their plans.  Instead of denouncing their evil plans, asking for forgiveness, and turning to God again - they force their way by imprisoning those who point out their mistakes.

"Why do the nations rebel? Why are the countries devising plots that will fail? 
The kings of the earth form a united front; 
the rulers collaborate against the Lord and His anointed king." - Psalm 2:1-2 (NET)

The global world order is against God and his people.  Those leaders want to control everyone and everything!  They have declared war against Christianity.  Between the first and last verses, God laughs at them for their insolence.  God warns them to turn away from their evil lies and plans or be destroyed. They can not stand against God!  Those leaders are NOT to to be worshiped or followed.  Throughout the scritpures, we are promised that the only one that can give us what we need and prepare us for the joy of true freedom is God.  

"Serve the Lord in fear. Repent in terror. Give sincere homage. 
Otherwise He will be angry, and you will die because of your behavior, 
when His anger quickly ignites.
 How blessed are all who take shelter in Him!" - Psalm 2:11-12 (NET)

It is time for Christians to remind their leaders who God is and what God requires of them and us.  Our freedom and future depend on it. Not just for our current physical needs and the future of our children, but our eternal souls as well.  Otherwise ALL are doomed! Christians must stand up against this evil!  If not we will continue to lose our earthly rights and are helping to send many to hell as well.  That is not want God wants!  Christians, where are your voices?  Where are you arms and legs for God?  Put on God's  armor, pray for your warriors and your own warrior-spirit, and then soldiers get going towards victory!

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